Ok, been a bit since I had time to chime in on anything but with recent issues at the edge of breaking America down I thought of one particular disease I’d like to address. The subject of class warfare and the fact that we as Americans even fall for this label of classes needs to be thought about. Class warfare is about an attained illusion of a certain false declaration of status.
Look at it like this, the majority can all agree that a million dollars is a lot of money right, and the normal person could retire off of that and never work again or really want for anything. Also, most would agree 100K as a yearly income wouldn’t be bad either. Some venture to say 50K a year is a great wage to earn and I would agree that one can live very well off 50K a year and not really worry about purchases.
That brings me too my point, one could live off 50K a year very well. However, a single parent family of 4 not so much, I mean they could live but would they have same expenses as the single person at the same salary? No. Does a single person of 100K have the same expenses of a two parent family of 5 at that same salary? No.
In this aspect is a million dollars the same as 250 million dollars, I mean both are millionaires right.. They can just buy whatever they want right. No. A millionaire although able to retire and be set for life would still have to budget and make smart decisions in order to continue their life. However, a person with 250 million dollars wouldn’t have to worry about those same things in that detailed of a light.
So to say that because someone has an income of 100K they are middle class but one who makes 50K is not is kind of a false judgment. We do not separate the expenses utilized for different aspects and timeframes of where they are in their lives. A single man of 21 making 50K a year is not as wealthy as a retired man of 65 making 50K a year. It is not uncommon to assume that the retiree most likely has a house paid for therefore does not have that added cost of a lease or payment which takes away from his income nor an auto payment. However, we add another zero and all of the sudden we believe them to be rich and therefore not our equals. One family may make 250K a year but if they have student loans to repay and unforeseen medical bills for a child that has special needs then how can you consider them among those that should be taxed more than the family that makes 100K without those burdens.
This separation of worth and responsibility based on a government made numerical value that is attached to a label has been forced down our throats is tearing us apart as a country. It turns us against each other as each believing one should pay more than the other because based on a classification they must be better off in the world because the government labeled them upper class or the rich. This WAR among us labeled as classes is UNFAIR. More than a number is what defines our worth. If you haven’t seen the light or you haven’t be guided in any way then please take a second and look at the true and just ways to avert us from another civil war. The true ways to guide us back to a secure economy and a country with an actual monetary worth to our dollar and no more country debt. Flat tax is truly equal to your amount of wealth made, make more pay more, make less pay less, but all pay equal percent. We do not label ourselves or allow ourselves to be pitted against eachother in a scheme of the government to adjust its pockets and make them bigger.
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